For Educators
In line with the core value of participative membership, the Nursing Education Association (NEA) is a national member driven organisation with 10 chapters throughout the country that enables easier access to NEA activities. Organisations can only be as successful as its members make it, so we need all of us to work towards making the change we want to see happen. While it is acknowledged that leading a professional organisation is a complex task, particularly because we mostly do it as volunteers, there is no doubt that active and passionate volunteers and members, are essential to make a professional organisation work. As educators we set an example – each of us leads many other students and colleagues to grow and achieve more. Educators as leaders therefore find their membership of professional organisations to be really important in strengthening their leadership skills.
Volunteer leaders serve on the Chapter Management Committee that is responsible for executing the NEA mandate in the country. The ten chapter chairpersons form the NEA Board of Directors together with the Independent Chairperson and this is the structure that is ultimately responsible for the good governance of the organisation.
The Regional NEA will be responsible for:
- Holding a minimum of four (4) meetings each year
- Recruiting nurse educators as members at regional level
- Arranging seminars/symposiums, workshops or information sessions at regional level on nurses
- Fundraising to cover the cost of local activities
- Quarterly reporting to the NEA Board of Directors
- Contributing information for the NEA newsletter and website
- Participating in organizing the annual NEA Conference
- Promoting nursing education at regional level
Click here to download the Chapter Management Manual
The importance of improving quality is essential in health and nursing care. This section on the NEA website aims to collate best practice in education to assist nurse educators to achieve excellence in nursing education practice. Best practice could be based on the best scientific evidence available from nursing research, or innovative strategies and practices developed by the lecturers at nursing education institutions. Therefore you are invited to submit your best practices via the chairpersons of the NEA chapters. All submissions will be considered by the Research Committee and NEA Board of Directors for posting on the website.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) has become an essential component of a culture of lifelong learning. Providing proof of having completed CPD activities to improve knowledge and skills has become essential. In future, providing proof of having undergone CPD would become compulsory as the SANC will only issue Annual Practicing Certificates (APC) on receipt of a declaration of the CPD completed.
Proposed SANC CPD system
The CPD system that will be implemented by the SANC is in development. It proposes that all nurses and midwives should undergo such development activities following which an annual declaration must be submitted electronically to the SANC. A sample will be drawn annually for verifying the CPD undertaken and the selected candidates will be asked to submit their portfolios for evaluation. Portfolios have to be retained for three years. Should a practitioner not have completed sufficient hours, they will be given time to rectify the situation. Conditions for exemption from obtaining CPD points will also be made available.
The points obtained for the different activities undertaken, can be used in any of the relevant themes but must only be used once. At this stage it is proposed that points be allocated as 1 point for attending as a delegate, 2 points for facilitating the activities and 3 points for developing activities.
In the meantime, NEA instituted a NEA CPD programme in 2012 where delegates attending any of the NEA development opportunities receive a certificate and CPD points for attendance. Non-members who paid to attend a workshop, will receive a certificate and CPD points. The NEA CPD has been aligned with the proposed SANC CPD system.
Professional development options
NEA has a variety of professional development opportunities available. Annual master training workshops have taken place over the last four years to ensure that the skills to offer the standardised workshops developed for NEA members are available at chapter level. Should NEIs be interested to have any of the workshops available offered at their institutions at a fee negotiated with NEA. Please contact the office or the Chapter Management Committee.
In addition to Curriculum Design workshops, NEA also has curricula for the new nursing education programmes available.
The following workshops are available on request:
- Innovative teaching & learning
- Leadership
- Research
- Ethics