Annual Membership Fees: R300
Members Benefits
Quaterly Meetings
Quaterly Workshops
Annual Nursing Conference
CPD Points & Certificates
Quaterly Newsletter
Free “Professional Nurse Today” Magazine
Welcome to NEA
In 1980 a group of nurses working on curriculum development for nursing in South Africa expressed the need to meet regularly and to invite other nurses to help with the process. In 1981 the Curriculum Association was established. In 1988 the name was changed to the Nursing Education Association (NEA) and all aspects of nursing education were included. An annual national conference was held to update and develop educators by offering opportunities to present papers. Recognition from stakeholders was actively sought. In 2005 a national executive committee was formed to strengthen the process and ten regional chapters were formed. They worked on the income they generated from membership and developed a website to increase the visibility of the organisation. They continued to strengthen the relationships at National Department of Health, SANC and amongst other nursing education stakeholders to gain recognition. In 2008 NEA was well established and Atlantic Philanthropies awarded NEA a grant to strengthen the organisation and advocacy for nursing education. The NEA Board was constituted consisting of the regional chapter chairpersons. A Chief Executive Officer (CEO) was appointed in 2010 and the focus became the dissemination of information and continuous professional development for nurse educators. Premises were bought in partnership with the Forum for University Nursing Deans in South Africa (FUNDISA) and a Head office was established.
The organisation has gone from good to great because they remain focussed and continually strive for excellence in nursing education. It is now registered with the Department of Social Development as a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) and has complied with all legal requirements.
Educators fulfil an essential role in providing a workforce for health by teaching specialist application of knowledge, skills and attributes to re-engineer healthcare delivery to meet the unique needs of individuals, families and communities. NEA’s role is to generate the energy, innovation and flow of ideas to strengthen nurse educators in this important role. This is what directs the organisation and its members:
Our Vision
The vision of NEA is to lead excellence in nursing education for practice, for all people.
Our Mission statement
The mission statement of NEA is to support a community of nurses who deliver quality nursing education in addressing the health needs of the people of the country through:
- scholarship of teaching and learning
- stakeholder engagement
- quality nursing education for practice and
- visionary leadership.
Our Core values
The values that NEA upholds in achieving its vision and mission:
Integrity by consistently living with integrity the organisational principles of open communication, ethical decision-making, honesty and humility by doing business in a way that reveals commitment to the vision of the organisation. Not only is behaving in a caring and honourable, trustworthy manner how we manage our business, but our approach also shows ethical conduct through transparency, strong moral principles and good governance.
Lifelong learning by instilling a culture of lifelong learning in the quest for improving the capacity of nurse educators to prepare critical-analytical nurses who can provide competent, compassionate and quality care to all people as well as their professional and personal fulfilment. This is about maintaining an enquiring mind and taking responsibility for the acquisition of knowledge and skills through continued self-directed learning.
Visionary and dynamic leadership is our approach/attitude when consistently living the vision, mission and core values of the organisation as we strive to engage, motivate and inspire nurse educators to accomplish an inspirational vision for nursing education and the profession.
Passion for nursing allows us to keep our compelling enthusiasm for a profession committed to maintaining excellence in nursing care ignited through capacity building, visionary leadership and integrity. This requires us to continue to teach, train and empower others with commitment and caring while embracing our diversity to enrich the profession and the care we provide.
Participatory membership is ensured by maintaining a culture of inclusivity and acceptance as nursing education is enhanced through our diversity which allows all members the opportunity to contribute knowing that all contributions will be valued. In doing so we endeavour to promote individual responsibility to participate in professional organisations.
Excellence is our culture in nursing education and it is based on our commitment to evidence based practice and resourcefulness which culminates in competence to develop, implement and promote standards and best practice. It is our belief that excellence in education will contribute to producing nurse and midwife practitioners of the highest standard which will contribute to high quality and safe patient care – a Constitutional right in South Africa.
Our Strategies
In order to achieve the above mentioned vision and mission, the following key strategies are implemented:
- Promote professional development
- Promote quality teaching and learning
- Advance leadership development
- Stakeholder engagement
- Promote organisational development
Once membership fees have been paid you are entitled to a range of benefits that allow you to gain access a wealth of useful information.
Promoting a culture of lifelong learning,:
- Quarterly meetings;
- Quarterly interactive workshops;
- Regional symposia;
- Annual nursing education conference;
- Discounted fees for annual conference registration and workshops offered by NEA;
- Nurse Educator CPD points and certificates for attendance of all NEA educational activities.
Access to information:
- Quarterly NEA newsletter;
- Free subscription to the Professional Nurse Today magazine;
- Pamphlets with relevant information
- NEA Website with exclusive access to a secure site for paid up members;
- Facebook page
Promoting the quality of nursing and nursing education:
- NEA Nursing Education Excellence Awards currently sponsored by Pearson;
- Participation in sponsored (expertise) projects;
- Contributing to the collective voice on nursing education and other nursing or health related policy issues;
- Opportunity to give back to the health and nursing industry.
Collectively contribute to social investment projects at chapter level.
- CLAUSE 1 – NAMEThe association shall be known as the Nursing Education Association (abbreviated to NEA)
- 2.1 NEA shall:
- 2.1.1 be a Non-Government Organisation with a non-profitable aim with an existence and identity, separate from its members and office bearers;
- 2.1.2 have perpetual succession independent of its members or office bearers;
- 2.2 NEA may:
- 2.2.1 act as lawful plaintiff and defendant and may institute and defend legal proceedings in its own name.;
- 2.2.2 acquire, own, alienate and encumber movable and immovable property; and generally, may perform all such acts that legal persons are entitled to perform;
- 2.3 Notices and other documents, shall be deemed to be properly served by, or on NEA if served as such by or on, the Chief Executive Officer or the Secretary.
- 2.1 NEA shall:
- CLAUSE 3 – OBJECTIVESNEA’s main objectives are to:
- 3.1 Disperse information and knowledge of latest developments in nursing education and advancement of nursing and healthcare to all members;
- 3.2 Develop programmes addressing the needs in nursing education and to provide guidance to educational institutions;
- 3.3 Identify problems experienced by nurse educators or problems hindering the training of nurses and to identify and promote solutions therefor;
- 3.4 By promotion and development of community based projects relating to primary healthcare to support vulnerable communities;
- 3.5 Promote and finance research in the nursing education field;
- 3.6 Arrange conferences, workshops and to create network opportunities for the exchange of ideas and information between members, educators, professionals and experts in the nursing and education fields locally and internationally; and
- 3.7 Generally, to promote optimal education and training, leadership and development in nursing to further the national health and the growth of the nursing profession.
- 4.1 NEA shall keep a record of all assets owned by it, and all assets under its control.
- 4.2 Members and/or office bearers of NEA shall not have, or acquire any rights over the assets.
- 4.3 NEA shall not give any of its assets or money to its Members or office bearers. Notwithstanding the provisions of this 4.3, payment by NEA, to a Member or Office Bearer, for work done by that a Member or office bearer for NEA, shall not be prohibited, provided that the amount must be reasonable for the work done.
- 4.4 A Member or Office Bearer of NEA may only claim money back from NEA for expenses that he or she has lawfully incurred on behalf of the association.
- 4.5 All financial transactions of NEA shall be conducted through a bank account, controlled and administered by the Chief Executive Officer under the direction of the Board.
- 4.6 Funds of NEA shall be invested with registered financial institutions. These institutions are explained in Section 1 of the Financial Institutions (Protection of Funds) Act, 2001, as amended. NEA may approach different financial institutions for advice on the most effective way to manage its funds.
- 4.7 No profits or gains will be distributed to members but will be retained for the sole purpose of pursuing the objectives of the organisation.
- 5.1 NEA shall have a minimum of 3 (three) Members at all times.
- 5.2 If at any time the number of Members remaining should fall below the stipulated minimum, it shall be incumbent upon the Board to take such steps as may be necessary to fill the relevant vacancy/ies within a period of 30 (thirty) days of the need therefor arising.
- 5.3 Membership and Classes of membership:
- 5.3.1 Membership
- Any person meeting the criteria set out in 5.4, who has applied in writing to become a Member in the prescribed manner and who has paid the initial and annual subscription fees as determined by the Board from time to time, shall be and become a Member of NEA until his /her resignation or until his/her membership is terminated in accordance with 5.9.
- Every Member shall become a member of the Chapter in the area of his/her place of work as per 5.5.1.
- Every Member will be given a unique membership number, which shall also identify the Chapter of which that Member is a Member by virtue of its characteristics (‘Membership Number’).
- 5.3.2 Honorary Membership The Board may confer honorary membership on any person who renders a distinctive service to, or promotes the objectives of NEA in a distinctive manner. Such a person shall enjoy full membership benefits and voting rights.
- 5.3.1 Membership
- 5.4 Qualifications for MembershipMembership of the association is limited to natural persons who qualify for Membership as follows:
- 5.4.1 Individuals who subscribe to the Mission and Values of NEA; and
- 5.4.2 Who support the objectives of NEA;
- 5.4.3 Members shall be obliged to show a continued interest in the activities and main purpose and objectives of NEA.
- 5.4.4 Members are bound to pay initial fees and annual subscription fees as determined and published by the Board from time.
- 5.4.5 The suspension, inactive status or termination of membership shall not, ipso facto, release a Member from an obligation undertaken prior to the cessation of such Membership, whether arising from or in the form of any outstanding fees, donation, or any other, commitment, or obligation which such Member may have undertaken, or for which such Member may have become liable to the NEA.
- 5.5 Process for Applying for Membership
- 5.5.1 Any natural person who wishes to become a Member of NEA shall complete a Membership application form, as approved and published by the Board from time to time. An applicant shall indicate which Chapter he/she wishes to become a member of based on his/her place of work;
- 5.5.2 Membership shall commence upon:
- confirmation by the Board that the applicant qualifies for Membership on the basis set out herein;
- acceptance by the Board of a duly completed membership application form; and
- receipt of payment of the initial fees and annual subscription fees per 5.6.1.
- 5.6 Membership Fees
- 5.6.1 All Members shall pay such initial fees and annual subscription fees as are determined and published by the Board, in its absolute discretion from time to time;
- 5.6.2 Annual subscription fees as per 5.6.1 shall be payable on or before 31 March of each year.
- 5.7 Membership Register
- 5.7.1 The Board shall maintain an up to date database of its Members, which will serve as the Membership Register.
- 5.7.2 The Membership Register shall contain the name, Identity Number, South African Nursing counsel Registration Number (where applicable), contact details and addresses of each Member, Membership Number, the date on which they became Members and any other prescribed information.
- 5.8 Suspension of Membership
- 5.8.1 If any Member shall leave his subscription fees unpaid, for a period of 9 (nine) months after it becomes due, his/her Membership shall be suspended, automatically without notice, up to and including the date of payment of any unpaid, outstanding and/or due subscription fees.
- 5.8.2 The Board shall advise a Member in writing of the fact that his/her Membership has become inactive, pending payment of outstanding fees. Members with inactive status shall not enjoy the rights of Membership and shall not be entitled to vote on any matter contemplated herein during any such period where the Member‘s status is inactive.
- 5.9 Termination of Membership:Membership shall be terminated:
- 5.9.1 upon receipt of a written resignation;
- 5.9.2 upon written notice from the Board to the Member of the termination of his/her membership, if a Member:
- fails to pay his or her subscription fees for a period of 3 (three) months from receipt of a notice contemplated in 5.8.2 above;
- no longer subscribes to the Mission and Values of NEA; or
- does not show a continued interest in the activities and objectives of NEA; provided that a Member shall have 30 (thirty) days from the date of the notice referred to in 5.9.2 above to Appeal the decision of the Board. The appeal shall be considered by a committee constituted for that purpose.
- 5.9.3 upon the death of an individual; or
- 5.9.4 upon the dissolution and/or final liquidation of the organization.
- 5.10 Rights of MembersMembers shall be entitled to:
- 5.10.1 attend meetings, workshops and congresses of NEA;
- 5.10.2 receive or have access to newsletters, information and other publications issued or published by NEA, from time to time;
- 5.10.3 participate in projects launched by NEA from time to time; and
- 5.10.4 funding support as may be determined in the sole discretion of the Board from time to time.
- 5.11 Duties of MembersEach member shall:
- 5.11.1 pay his or her initial and annual subscription fees as and when it is due;
- 5.11.2 subscribe to the Mission and Values of NEA; and
- 5.11.3 show a continued interest in the activities and objects of the Association.
- 6.1 Requirement to hold meetings
- 6.1.1 A general meeting of Members shall be held at least once a year.
- 6.1.2 Subject to 6.2 below, NEA is not required to hold any additional Members meetings
- 6.2 Members rights to requisition a meetingThe Board shall be obliged to call a Members meeting if at least 20% of the voting members request the Board to call such a meeting.
- 6.3 Location of Member meetingsThe Board shall have the authority to determine the location of any Members meeting.
- 6.4 Notice of Members meetingsThe minimum number of days for NEA to deliver a notice of a members meeting to the members, is 15 business days before the meeting is to begin.
- 6.5 Electronic participation in Members meetingsNEA may conduct a meeting entirely by electronic communication or to provide for participation in a meeting by electronic communication.
- 6.6 Procedures and Quorum at Members meetings
- 6.6.1 The Chairperson shall officiate ipso facto as chairperson of Members meetings.
- 6.6.2 The quorum requirement for a Members meeting to begin, or for a matter to be considered is a minimum of 10 (ten) Members present in person.
- 6.6.3 All paid up individual Members and honorary members shall have a vote at a general meeting
- 6.7 Members resolutionsFor an ordinary resolution to be adopted at a Members Meeting, it must be supported by at least 50% plus 1, of the Members present and voting on the resolution.
- 6.1 Requirement to hold meetings
- 7.1 The Board
- 7.1.1 The Board shall be responsible for the overall management of NEA and shall co-ordinate and plan NEA’s activities.
- 7.1.2 The Board may take on the power and authority that it believes it needs to be able to manage the association achieve the objectives of the association.
- 7.1.3 The Board shall consist of a minimum five members and a maximum of 15 members. A minimum of 7 Board members, at any given time shall be elected in accordance with the provisions of 7.2 below.
- 7.1.4 The persons comprising the Board shall be elected and appointed from time to time as per 7.2 and 7.1.7.
- 7.1.5 The Chief Executive officer shall be an ex-officio member of the Board.
- 7.1.6 The Board may make a maximum of 4 direct appointments to the Board.
- 7.1.7 Each member of the Board, other than ex-officio members, serves for a term of 3 (three) years, provided that a member shall be eligible for re-election after expiry of his/her term.
- 7.1.8 Notwithstanding the provisions of 7.1.7 above, no board member, other than an ex officio board member shall be entitled to serve as a board member for a consecutive period exceeding 3 (three) years.
- 7.1.9 The Board shall elect an independent chairperson not serving as a chapter chairperson, and a deputy chairperson from its members from time to time who shall serve for a period determined by the Board.
- 7.1.10 The Board has authority to fill any vacancy in their midst and the period of the resultant appointment shall be valid until the next election as contemplated in 8.2 below.
- 7.1.11 The Board has authority to co-opt members to the Board on an ad hoc basis.
- 7.1.12 Board members shall be the office-bearers of the association and shall not become liable for any of the obligations and liabilities of the association solely by virtue of their status as members or office-bearers of the association;
- 7.1.13 Board members or office-bearers are not personally liable for any loss suffered by any person as a result of an act or omission which occurs in good faith while the office-bearer is performing functions for or on behalf of the association;
- 7.1.14 Board members shall be required to satisfy the qualification and eligibility requirements set out in section 69 of the Companies Act 2008 to become or remain a board member of the association.
- 7.2 Election of the BoardThe Chairperson of each Chapter duly elected in accordance with the provisions of 8.6.3 shall be automatically elected as a member of the Board.
- 7.3 Officers and Committees
- 7.3.1 The Board shall appoint a Chief Executive Officer, responsible for the day-to-day management of the affairs of NEA.
- 7.3.2 The Board shall delegate such of its powers to the as it may deem necessary and appropriate from time to time to the Chief Executive Officer to manage the day to day affairs and operations of NEA and to appoint any officers he or she considers necessary to better achieve the objectives of the NEA.
- 7.3.3 The Board and/or the Chief Executive Officer may delegate such of its powers to a Chapter Management Committee, as it may deem necessary and appropriate from time to time, to enable the management of the Chapter and the co-ordination and planning of that Chapter’s activities as contemplated in 8.5.1 below.
- 7.3.4 The authority of the Board to appoint committees and to delegate to such committee any of the authority of the Board as provided for herein, or to include in any such committee persons who are not members of the Board, is not limited or restricted by this Constitution.
- 7.4 Meetings of the Board
- 7.4.1 The Board shall hold at least 2 (two) ordinary meetings each year.
- 7.4.2 At such a meeting, half of the Board members plus one shall constitute quorum.
- 7.4.3 For an ordinary resolution of the Board to be adopted it must be supported by at least 50% plus 1 of the Board members present and voting on the resolution
- 7.4.4 The secretary or the Chief Executive Officer as the case may be shall convene a special meeting on receipt of a request to the effect signed by the chairperson or 2 (two) members of the Board, specifying any resolution(s) proposed or other business to be discussed. Board members must receive not less than 15 (fifteen) days’ notice in writing of the special meeting.
- 7.4.5 The chairperson shall act as the chairperson of the Board. If the chairperson is absent, the deputy chairperson shall act as chairperson of Board, and if the deputy chairperson is also absent members shall elect a chairperson for the meeting from among the other members of the Chapter Committees present. This must be done before commencement of the meeting.
- 7.4.6 The Board may, if it deems it necessary, form or appoint sub-committees for special or general purposes. Sub-committees shall consist of a minimum of 3 (three) persons and must report back to the Board on a regular basis.
- 7.4.7 Minutes of all meetings shall be kept safely and always be on hand for members to consult.
- 7.1 The Board
- 8.1 The ChaptersNEA is organised in 10 regional organisations, known as Chapters as follows;
- 8.1.1 Eastern Cape:
- East London; and
- Port Elizabeth
- 8.1.2 Free State & Northern Cape
- Bloemfontein
- 8.1.3 Gauteng:
- Pretoria; and
- Johannesburg
- 8.1.4 KwaZulu-Natal:
- Durban
- 8.1.5 Limpopo
- Polokwane
- 8.1.6 Mpumalanga:
- Nelspruit
- 8.1.7 Northwest:
- Klerksdorp
- 8.1.8 Western Cape:
- Cape Town
- 8.1.1 Eastern Cape:
- 8.2 Additional Chapters may be established by a 75% (seventy five percent) majority of Members at a meeting of which notice was given in accordance with 6.4 above.
- 8.3 In the event that a Chapter should close or cease to operate for any reason the Board shall make proposals to the next General Meeting of Members of NEA on the way forward including any amendments to the Constitution as may be required.
- 8.4 Rights and Responsibilities of Chapters
- 8.4.1 Chapters shall be responsible for:
- rolling out and implementing the national mandate of the association as determined by the Board from time to time;
- recruitment of members; and
- securing donations.
- 8.4.2 Chapters shall not be entitled to acquire any rights over any assets, including money and financial assets of the association and any membership fees and donations collected by a Chapter shall be paid into the bank account of the association.
- 8.4.3 Expenditures and costs incurred by the Chapters shall be done in accordance with budgets specifically approved for that purpose by the Board or the Chief Executive Officer as the case may be and monthly report of all costs and expenditure incurred by each Chapter shall be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer of the association at the end of each month.
- 8.4.1 Chapters shall be responsible for:
- 8.5 Chapter Meetings
- 8.5.1 Each Chapter shall hold quarterly meetings.
- 8.5.2 In addition to 8.4.1 above a Chapter shall be obliged to call a meeting if at least 20% of the voting members of that Chapter request such a meeting.
- 8.5.3 The Chapter Management Committees of the Chapter shall have the authority to determine the location of meetings.
- 8.5.4 Notice of shall be delivered to Chapter members 15 business days before the meeting is to begin.
- 8.5.5 Chapter meetings may be held entirely by electronic communication or members may be allowed to participate electronically.
- 8.5.6 The Chapter Chairperson shall officiate ipso facto as chairperson of Members meetings.
- 8.5.7 The quorum requirement for a Chapter meeting to begin, or for a matter to be considered is a minimum of 10 (ten) members present in person.
- 8.5.8 All paid up individual Chapter members and honorary members shall have a vote at a general meeting
- 8.5.9 For an ordinary resolution to be adopted at a Chapters meeting, it must be supported by at least 50%, plus 1 Member, of the Members present and voting on the resolution.
- 8.5.10 Minutes of all Chapter meetings shall be kept safely and always be on hand for members to consult.
- 8.6 Management of Chapters
- 8.6.1 The Chapter Management Committee of each Chapter shall be responsible for the management of that Chapter, and shall co-ordinate and plan the Chapter’s activities to ensure that that Chapter meets its responsibilities, subject to and in accordance with 8.6.3 below.
- 8.6.2 The persons comprising the Chapter Management Committees of each Chapter shall be elected and appointed from time to time as per 8.7 below.
- 8.6.3 The Chapter Management Committees shall have such powers as may be expressly delegated to it by the Board and the Chief Executive Officer from time to time.
- 8.6.4 Each member of the Chapter Committees serves for a term of 3 (three) years, provided that a member shall be eligible for re-election after expiry of his/her term.
- 8.6.5 Notwithstanding the provisions of 8.6.4 above, no Chapter Management Committee member shall be entitled to serve as a board member for a consecutive period exceeding 3 (three) years.
- 8.6.6 Each Chapter Management Committees shall consist of a minimum of 5 members and a maximum 10 members.
- 8.6.7 Each Chapter Management Committees shall hold quarterly meetings.
- 8.6.8 In addition to 8.5.7 above a Chapter shall be obliged to call a meeting if at least 20% of the voting members of that Chapter request such a meeting.
- 8.6.9 Minutes of all Chapter Management Committees meetings shall be kept safely and always be on hand for members to consult.
- 8.7 Election of Chapter Management Committees Members
- 8.7.1 Each member and each Chairperson of a Chapter Management Committee shall be elected by the members of that Chapter, entitled to exercise voting rights in such an election, to serve for a term as set out in 8.6.4.
- 8.7.2 In any election of Chapter Management Committee members—
- the election is to be conducted as a series of votes, each of which is on the candidacy of a single individual to fill a single vacancy, with the series of votes continuing until all vacancies on the Chapter Committees at that time have been filled; and
- in each vote to fill a vacancy— each voting right entitled to be exercised may be exercised once; and
- the vacancy is filled only if a majority of the voting rights exercised support the candidate.
- 8.7.3 In any election of Chairperson of a Chapter Management Committee —
- the election is to be conducted as a series of votes, each of which is on the candidacy of a single individual to be appointed as Chairperson of that Chapter Committees, with the series of votes continuing until all vacancies on the board at that time have been filled; and
- in each vote to fill a vacancy—
- each voting right entitled to be exercised may be exercised once; and
- the vacancy is filled only if a majority of the voting rights exercised support the candidate.
- 8.1 The ChaptersNEA is organised in 10 regional organisations, known as Chapters as follows;
- 9.1 The right of a member of the Association to appoint persons as proxies is limited to the appointment of a single proxy per Member per meeting and a member of the Association shall not be entitled to appoint persons concurrently as proxies as contemplated.
- 9.2 A proxy appointed by a member of the Association shall not be entitled to delegate the proxies’ powers to another person.
- 9.3 The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing and signed by the appointer or by his agent duly authorised in writing. The instrument appointing a proxy and the power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed, or a notarial certified copy of such power or authority, shall be deposited at the Registered Office of the Association not less than 48 (forty-eight) hours before the time for holding the meeting at which the person named in the instrument proposes to vote and in default of complying herewith, the instrument of proxy shall not be treated as valid.
- 9.4 A proxy need not be a Member of the Association.
- 9.5 No instrument appointing a proxy shall be valid after the expiration of 6 (six) months from the date when it was signed, unless so specifically stated in the proxy itself and no proxy shall be used at an adjourned meeting which could not have been used at the original meeting.
- 9.6 The instrument appointing a proxy shall, be in format as approved by the Board from time to time.
- 10.1 The financial year shall be from 1 March to 28 February of every year.
- 10.2 The Board shall keep accounting records of its income, expenditure, assets and liabilities to the standards of generally accepted accounting practice, and shall, within six months after the end of the financial year, draw up financial statements, which must include at least:
- 10.2.1 a statement of income and expenditure for that financial year; and
- 10.2.2 a balance sheet showing its assets, liabilities and financial position as at the end of that financial year.
- 10.2.3 Within two months after drawing up its financial statements, the Board shall arrange for a written report to be compiled by an accounting officer as defined in section 60 of the Close Corporations Act whether or not–
- 10.2.4 the financial statements of the association are consistent with its accounting records;
- 10.2.5 the accounting policies of the association are appropriate and have been appropriately applied in the preparation of the financial statements; and
- 10.2.6 the organisation has complied with the provisions of this Act and of its constitution which relate to financial matters.
- 10.2.7 The Board shall preserve each of its books of account, supporting vouchers, records of subscriptions or levies paid by its members, income and expenditure statements, balance sheets and accounting officer’s reports, in an original or reproduced form, for 7 years.
- 11.1 The constitution may be amended at any general meeting by a 75% majority of votes of the members present who are entitled to vote.
- 11.2 If the constitution is amended the Chief Executive Officer shall, as soon as practically possible, submit a copy of the constitution as amended, to the South African Revenue Service and the Department of Social Welfare.
- 11.3 Historically, the Constitution has been amended on 20 May 1981, 3 October 1981, 1 October 1982, 25 November 1987, 20 August 1988, 5 August 1989, 2 September 1994, 26 September 2000, 15 November 2006, 20 November 2007, 20 August 2008, 4 September 2012, 26 June 2014, 1 September 2015 and 19 July 2017.
- CLAUSE 12 – DISBANDMENT OF THE ASSOCIATIONThe association shall disband if such is decided at a general meeting by a 75% majority of votes of members present who are entitled to vote. Such a decision may provide for the appointment of a liquidator as well as determine his/her remuneration, powers, duties and responsibilities. In the event of the association being disbanded, no past or present Member or member of the Board or Exco is entitled to any part of the net value of NEA after its obligations and liabilities have been satisfied and all assets shall be converted into cash and after payment of all debts and costs attached to such disbandment, the balance, if any, shall be donated to a beneficiary, having similar objectives similar to that of NEA, agreed upon at a general meeting by a majority of votes of members present who are entitled to vote.
Membership of NEA is voluntary and renewable annually by paying the prescribed membership fee as agreed at the Annual General Meeting every year. Members must also complete a membership renewal form every year to ensure that the NEA database remains current. Make sure that your personal postal address is correct to ensure that you receive the quarterly PNT magazine. Invoices are raised annually for the membership fees which are payable no later than March of each year to guarantee access to all member benefits. Member benefits are available to paid-up members only.
Special rates have been made available for:
- Educators 65 years and older pay 50% of the annual membership fee
- Students get R50 discount on their annual membership fee
How to become a member
- Complete a membership application form and send through
- Complete a membership form at the workshop and give it to your Chapter Management Committee members.